She is a grand grand daughter to Ernst and Helena Ericson.
Bästa Lee-Ann Meredith. Du skrev på min blogg den 1 aug 2013 följande kommentar till Gloria Nyströms text: Jag är inte säker på att jag tidigare har svarat på grund av att mycket annat har gjort att saken fallit i glömska. Jag är mycket intresserad av att få veta lite mera om Ernst Ericson och hans ättlingar som finns i Amerika. Jag beklagar att jag inte skrivit förr, men hoppas att snart få svar från dig. Min e-postadress är fortfarande
Med vänlig hälsning
Best Lee-Ann Meredith. You wrote on my blog August 1, 2013 the following comment to Gloria Nystrom text: ”I am the granddaughter of Violet. I was delighted to find the pictures. Please contact me if you would like more information about our family.
I’m not sure I have previously responded due to much else has done that thing has been forgotten. I am very interested to know more about Ernst Ericson and his descendants as there are in America. I regret that I have not written sooner, but hope to soon get answers from you. My email is still
Yours sincerely
Rolf Ericson. Grandson of August Ericson, one of the brothers to Ernst Ericson
Hi Rolf,
I can give you information on Violet Ericson McGinnis’ family. She was the youngest of Ernst’s children. Ernst died when she was quite young and her mother, Helena Nystrom, died a few years later. She and her oldest sister, Bertha went to live with Nystrom relatives. The rest of the siblings were divided up and they lost contact with each other. As a young woman she studied nursing and worked as a private nurse for several families before her marriage.
Violet (Vi) married Ambrose (Mac) McGinnis in 1930 in Chicago, Illinois. They moved to Crown Point, Indiana. They had five children, John (b.March 1931- d. May 1913), my mother Sharon Mary (b. June 13, 1934) Kathleen (b July 1937), Daniel (b. December 1940), and Patrick (b. June 1942 – d. November 11. 1967). Patrick died in a car crash at age 25. Vi died December 22, 1973. Mac died December 20, 1993.
What other information would you like? Do you want a complete family listing?
Most of us live still live within a few hundred miles of Chicago area. where the family originally settled in the US.
It is a treat to discover family.
Lee-Ann Meredith
Hej Rolf,
Jag kan ge dig information om Violet Ericson McGinnis “familj. Hon var den yngsta av Ernst barn. Ernst dog när hon var ganska ung och hennes mor, Helena Nyström, dog några år senare. Hon och hennes äldsta syster, Bertha gick att leva med Nyströms släktingar. Resten av syskonen delades upp och de förlorat kontakten med varandra. Som en ung kvinna hon studerade omvårdnad och arbetade som en privat sjuksköterska för flera familjer innan hennes äktenskap.
Violet (Vi) gift Ambrose (Mac) McGinnis 1930 i Chicago, Illinois. De flyttade till Crown Point, Indiana. De hade fem barn, John (b.March 1931- d. Maj 1913), min mamma Sharon Mary (f. 13 Jun 1934) Kathleen (b juli 1937), Daniel (b. December 1940), och Patrick (f. Juni 1942 – d. 11 november 1967). Patrick dog i en bilolycka vid 25 års ålder Vi dog den 22 december 1973. Mac dog December 20, 1993.
Vilken annan information vill du ha? Vill du ha en komplett familj notering?
De flesta av oss lever fortfarande lever inom ett par hundra miles från Chicago-området. där familjen ursprungligen bosatte sig i USA.
Det är en njutning att upptäcka familj.
Lee-Ann Meredith